The College Services Group, LLC
Our Expertise
Join thousands of American families who
save $40,000-$100,000 on college costs!
Pick the Right College! * Determine your Expected Family Contribution! * Prepare Your Finances!
Family Financial Positioning
• EFC (Expected Family Contribution) AnalysisWe provide a complete analysis of your EFC using both Federal and Institutional Methodology.
• Recommendations to Reduce Your EFC We show you how to take advantage of strategies that will enable you to legally reduce your EFC and maximize the amount of aid for which you are eligible.
• Implementation of Strategies to Reduce Your EFC
We assist in the implementation of the above strategies.
• College Tracking List
The College Tracking List helps you stay on track throughout the entire financial aid process ensuring there are no surprises or missed deadlines.
• College Statistics
We provide you with important statistics for each college you have requested. Additional colleges may be added at any time.
• College Payment Plan
We put together a plan to show you the most cost effective way to fund the out-of-pocket costs for all your children. Do not borrow any money or begin paying for college without having a plan in place!
Student Positioning
• Assessment/Aptitude Evaluation
Unlimited license to access the best online career/college planning tools available. This interactive self-directed website is the most comprehensive database available for career/college planning.
• Student Positioning Session
We conduct a phone meeting with the student and parent(s) to review and interpret the results of the online evaluation. The ultimate goal is to find colleges that best match the student’s career interests, academic level and strengths, as well as other intangibles. Properly positioning the student’s college choices greatly enhances the chances of acceptance at the school of choice with a favorable financial aid package.
Forms Processing
• Submit Your FAFSA
The FAFSA must be completed if you want to qualify for any financial aid. Do not minimize the importance of completing this form properly. The US Department of Education said the majority of people fill out the FAFSA form in such a way that they do not receive all the aid for which they are eligible.
• Register for and Submit the CSS Profile
Many private schools require the Profile form, which includes additional financial and personal information.
• Complete Any Institutional Form
Many schools have their own forms that need to be completed in addition to the ones already mentioned.
• Confirm Accuracy of the SAR and Make Adjustments
We will make adjustments to your FAFSA after your tax returns have been filed.
• Analysis of Financial Aid Awards
We analyze your financial aid awards to determine whether you have been properly awarded or if an appeal is in order.
• Direct Appeals Process
If needed, we will direct the appeals process on your behalf to the schools to maximize your financial aid award.
• College Loans
We will consult you on the best college loans available for your situation and the process for securing them.
• On-going Communication
You have direct access to your College Funding Advisor, Student Positioning Counselor, and Service Center Consultant throughout the entire process. We also utilize teleconferences and the Clients Only section of our website to keep you up to date.